Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 956257 (hide)

Owner Aussie Car Loans Pty Ltd ACN: 077683820

Service Axis Legal (Australia) Pty Ltd PO Box K353 HAYMARKET NSW 1240 AUSTRALIA


Class 36 Finance and insurance services including finance leasing, personal loans, hire purchase, rental finance, chattel mortgages, auto loans, consumer finance, business finance, credit cards, finance and insurance brokerage, consultancy, comprehensive insurance, gap cover, mechanical breakdown warranty, greenslips (being third party insurance in New South Wales), loan protection, and consumer credit insurance; finance and insurance services provided for motor vehicles, boats, trucks, marine vessels, motorcycles, bikes, vans, machinery, plant, equipment, computers, electrical and electronic products

Event Publications

19 July 2012 Registrations/Protected IR Name Amendment and Changes

  The owner's/holder's name has been changed to Aussie Car Loans Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 077 683 820.


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