Leadership Assessment

Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 954063 (hide)

Owner Talint Pty Ltd ACN: 102358609

Service Talint Pty Ltd Attn: Stephen Harvey


Class 35 Leadership assessment follows a proven methodology whereby Talint obtains a deep insight and understanding of the clients business strategy and continual alignment with the leadership groups ability to implement and deliver the strategy; regular independent benchmarking of the leadership group aims to provide clients, and nominated participants, with clear feedback on individual and business performance, strengths, weaknesses and challenges; it is designed to be a process that provides a detailed analysis of alignment to the business strategy, risks and leadership potential with agreed specific actions and recommendations to be taken, either by the participant or the business, in order for the leadership group to achieve its full potential; throughout the process key stakeholders, such as the board, CEO and senior human resource executives, receive a clear and accurate view of the capability of the leadership group and reports on the depth and suitability of available leadership talent internally (succession planning); equally the knowledge and insights that are generated through the leadership assessment process is then applied to the external strategic research being undertaken by Talint; this enables clients to significantly improve their decision making around strategic succession planning in line with achieving the overall business strategy; Talint has a proven leadership assessment process/methodology in support of the above; we follow a structured 6 step methodology that includes the ability to conduct one-on-one assessment, efficiently evaluate broad groups of executives or managers, and build customised success profiles for specific nominated positions based on the characteristics of your leadership group; at the heart of the leadership assessment process are best practice high performance company core values, concepts and criteria against which each assessment is tailored; Talint designs a framework of questions extracted from the criteria listed below against which the leadership group is uniformly assessed; the core values, concepts and criteria (further details 30 page study - can be provided on request) are: core values and concepts, visionary leadership, customer-driven excellence, company and personal learning, valuing employees and partners, agility, focus on the future, managing for innovation, management by fact, public responsibility and citizenship, focus on results and creating value, systems perspective; criteria, customer and market focus (category 1) strategic planning (category2) process management (category 3) human resource focus (category 4) information and analysis (category 5) leadership (category 6) business results (category 7)

Event Publications

13 January 2005 Application Lapsed


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