Secril Alert

Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 934957 (hide)

Owner Probiomics Limited

Service Spruson & Ferguson


Class 1 Chemicals used in science and industry; diagnostic products in this class, including diagnostic reagents and materials for identification and measuring of cytokines; biological preparations for use in the manufacture of diagnostics in this class; chemical products for diagnostic use or diagnostic purposes in this class; diagnostic reagents in this class for in vitro and in vivo use; diagnostic reagents in this class for use in kit form

Class 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations and substances; diagnostic products in this class including diagnostic reagents for medical, veterinary and pharmaceutical use; diagnostic chemicals for use in the identification and measuring of cytokines; diagnostic reagents in this class for in vitro and in vivo use; chemical and biological preparations in this class; diagnostic reagents for medical and veterinary use for sale in kit form

Event Publications

9 June 2005 Registrations/Protected IR Amended and Changed

  Change owner's/holder's name to Probiomics Limited


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