Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 934826 (hide)


Service A J Park

Various Trade Mark Description: Mark Description: The trademark consists of the words "TOSCA BLU" in special type; the letter "B" is preceded by a rectangular figure; the letter "U" is also followed by a rectangular figure. * Withdrawn due to notification of corr


Class 25 Men's, women's and children's wear in general, including: dresses made from skins; shirts; short-sleeved shirts; skirts; ladies' suits; morning coats; trousers; shorts; undershirts; knitwear; pajamas; socks; knitted underwear; blouses; garter belts; panties and underpants; brassieres; slips; hats; scarves; neckties; waterproof clothing; overcoats; coats; bathing suits; sports outfits; anorak; ski trousers; belts; furs; sashes; gloves; dressing gowns; footwear in general, including slippers, shoes, sports shoes, boots and sandals

Event Publications

25 August 2005 Application Withdrawn


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