
Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1385084 (hide)

Owner Ou Smolinski, Carolina

Service Carolina Ou Smolinski

Various The applicant has advised that a translation of the INDONESIAN word MADU appearing in the trade mark is HONEY.

Filing Date 4 October 2010


Class 3 Body creams (cosmetics); cosmetics; cosmetics for personal use; cosmetics for the treatment of dry skin; cosmetics for the use on the hair; cosmetics for use on the skin; cosmetics in the form of creams; cosmetics in the form of gels; cosmetics in the form of lotions; cosmetics in the form of milks; cosmetics in the form of oils; cosmetics preparations; milks (cosmetics); moisturisers (cosmetics); night creams (cosmetics); non-medicated cosmetics; nourishing creams (cosmetics); preparations for removing cosmetics; skincare cosmetics

Class 5 Dietary food supplements for medical use; dietary supplements for infants; dietary supplements for medical use; dietetic food supplements adapted for medical purposes; food supplements for medical purposes; food supplements for the dietary management of illness in humans; health food supplements for persons with special dietary requirements; medicinal food supplements for nutritional purposes

Class 35 Pharmacy retail services

Event Publications

21 October 2010 Application filed

3 February 2011 Application Accepted

25 August 2011 Application Lapsed


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1385081-Amistad Gazette