Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1342756 (hide)

Owner Geomatic Technologies Pty Ltd ACN: 081782863

Service Gadens Lawyers GPO Box 48A MELBOURNE VIC 3001 AUSTRALIA


Class 9 Scientific, photographic, cinematographic, optical, measuring and checking (supervision) apparatus, equipment and instruments (including arrays and sensors for these purposes); observation apparatus, equipment and instruments; apparatus, equipment and instruments for accounting, accumulating, amplifying, broadcasting, calculating, controlling, decoding, displaying, distributing, editing, encoding, monitoring, processing, reading, recording, regulating, receiving, recording, reproducing, switching or transmitting material including audio material, visual material (including photographs), audio-visual material (including cinematographs and television), information (including electronic information), computer programmes (recorded or downloadable, including computer software), computer signals, data, electronic communications services, electronic communications signals, electronic interactive services, publications (downloadable, electronic or recorded), images, messages, radio, sound, time, transmission services or transmission signals (all the foregoing including computers, computer peripheral devices, computer processors (including central processing units and microprocessors), integrated circuits, radios, telephones, televisions, video recorders and screens); apparatus, equipment and instruments carrying magnetic, digitally, optically and electronically recorded audio material, visual material (including photographs), audio-visual material (including cinematographs and television), information (including electronic information), computer programmes (recorded or downloadable, including computer software), computer signals, data, electronic communications signals, publications downloadable, electronic or recorded), images, messages, radio, sound, time, or transmission signals; all the foregoing including audio and video cassettes, compact discs, floppy disks, digital versatile discs and smart cards; computer programmes (recorded or downloadable, including computer software); apparatus, equipment, instruments and software for calculating, controlling, decoding, displaying, distributing, editing, encoding, monitoring, processing, reading, recording, regulating, receiving, recording, reproducing, switching or transmitting geodesy, geographical and spatial data and information; global positioning apparatus, equipment, instruments and software; controllers for use with all of the foregoing; cables and wires (electronic, coaxial, fibre optic, magnetic and telephone); publications (downloadable, electronic or recorded)

Class 42 Scientific and technological services (including computer services in this class) (including scientific and technological services in relation to development and construction of buildings or property or land, installation, cleaning, demolition, refurbishment and repair services, mechanical and electrical engineering services, and real estate services); accreditation for and certification of quality or standards; calibration (measuring); geodesy, geographical and spatial data and information services, including mapping services; advisory, analytical, consultancy, design, evaluation, information (including online and over a global computer network), planning, preparation and research services (all not being in other classes) in relation to geographical data, spatial information and all of the foregoing

Event Publications

18 February 2010 Application filed

4 August 2011 Application Lapsed


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