Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1301420 (hide)

Owner Greencrop Products Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 101 120 923

Service Greencrop Products

Filing Date 28 May 2009


Class 1 Chemical additives for compost; chemical products for the conditioning of compost; compost; compost mixtures enriched with organic substances; horticultural growing media composts; potting composts; seaweed based compost; seaweed based compost accelerators; chemical additives for soil; chemical products for the conditioning of soil; conditioners for the soil; fertilizers for soil; manures for the soil; mulch for soil enrichment (fertiliser); potting soil; preparations for increasing the productivity of soil; prepared soils; prepared soils for the germination of seeds; products for soil conditioning; seaweed based soil conditioning products; soil; soil additives (fertilising); soil conditioners (other than sterilising); soil conditioning preparations; soil enrichment chemicals; soil improvement substances; soil improvers; substances for improving the soil; chemical products for use as fertilizers; fertilizers; fertilizers for soil; garden feeds (fertilizers); inorganic fertilizers; mulch and fertilizer mixes, fertilizer predominating; multi-nutrient fertilizers; natural fertilizers; seaweed extracts for use as a fertilizer; slow release fertilizer compositions; mulch and fertilizer mixes, fertilizer predominating; mulch for soil enrichment (fertiliser); soil conditioners (other than sterilising)

Class 31 Bark mulches; decorative woodchip mulch; horticultural mulches; mulch and fertilizer mixes, mulch predominating; mulches of natural materials; organic mulch

Event Publications

1 October 2009 Application Accepted

22 April 2010 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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