
Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1290626 (hide)

Owner Kennedy, Stephanie

Service Actuate IP Level **** Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000

Filing Date 20 March 2009


Class 9 Photographic apparatus, equipment, instruments, and accessories including camera supports; mounts, housings, stands, straps, and slings for the aforementioned goods; bags, and cases specifically adapted or shaped for cameras, video cameras, mobile phones, and photographic apparatus; monopods and tripods for cameras, video cameras, and photographic apparatus; umbrellas for photographic use; toys in the form of cameras in this class; remote control, flash lighting, and control apparatus for cameras; lenses and light filters for cameras and video cameras; lens covers; mobile phone covers; data storage devices containing photographs; holders for photographic films; photography flash bulbs and flashlights; photographic view finders; electronic and encoded cards carrying data and information; memory cards; hard drives; batteries, battery chargers, battery terminals, battery testing apparatus, and battery holders; extension leads for electrical apparatus, plug connectors, and plug-in blocks

Event Publications

23 April 2009 Application filed

16 July 2009 Application Accepted

12 November 2009 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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1290625-Biz in a Bag