Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1290619 (hide)


Service Startive Capital Pty Ltd PO Box H301 AUSTRALIA SQUARE NSW 1215

Filing Date 20 March 2009


Class 36 Venture capital financing; venture capital fund management; venture capital management; acquisition for financial investment; administration of capital investment services; administration of fund investment; administration of investment funds; administration of investments; administrative services relating to investments; advice relating to investment for retirement; advice relating to investments; advisory services relating to financial investment; advisory services relating to investment finance; advisory services relating to investments; capital fund investment; capital investment advisory services; capital investments; financial investment; financial investment advisory services; financial investment fund services; financial investment management services; financial investment research services; financing of investments; fund investments; international fund investment; investment; investment account services; investment advice; investment analysis; investment asset management; investment bank services; investment banking; investment brokerage; investment business services; investment consultancy; investment consultations; investment custody; investment fund management; investment information; investment management; investment management of funds; investment performance monitoring; investment planning; investment portfolio management services; investment research; investment trust management; investment trust services; investment trusteeship; management of investments; monitoring of investment funds; portfolio investment management; provision of investment capital; provision of investment information; provision of investment savings plans; provision of investment services; research services relating to investment; securities investment services; stock investment management; trust investment services; administration of capital investment services; capital fund investment; capital fund management; capital investment; capital investment advisory services; capital investments; provision of investment capital; raising of capital; raising of finance

Event Publications

23 April 2009 Application filed

16 July 2009 Application Accepted

28 January 2010 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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