Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1290607 (hide)

Owner Hewitt, Denise

Service IP Wealth Pty Ltd PO Box 10718 SOUTHPORT BC QLD 4215

Filing Date 20 March 2009


Class 35 Retail services being the retail of bicycles and bicycle parts, fittings and accessories including but not limited to bicycle frames, bicycle handlebars, bicycle wheels, bicycle pedals, bicycle brake cables and pads, bicycle cassettes, bicycle gear and shift levers, bicycle chains and chain rings, bicycle tools and workstands, bicycle tyres and tubes, bicycle lights, drink bottle holders, bicycle racks, bells, mirrors and tyre pumps; bicycle dealership services; retail of cycling clothing, footwear, headgear and sunglasses; import, wholesale and distribution of bicycles and bicycle parts, fittings and accessories; providing information, including by electronic means and via a global computer network, about all of the aforesaid services

Class 44 Fitness testing and assessment; elite athlete fitness testing; physical performance testing; flexibility testing; agility testing; strength and power testing; sprint testing; cadence testing for cycling; body fat testing; body composition testing; skin fold testing; cardiac function and output testing; blood pressure testing; lung capacity and function testing; calculation of V02 max being testing of maximal oxygen consumption and/or aerobic capacity; conducting of medical examinations and analysis; preparation of reports in relation to fitness and health; advisory services relating to diet and nutrition; weight control evaluation and treatment services; sports medicine services; massage; physiotherapy; physical therapy; therapeutic treatment of the body; provision of facilities for fitness and health testing purposes; providing information, including by electronic means and via a global computer network, about all of the aforesaid services

Event Publications

23 April 2009 Application filed

16 July 2009 Application Accepted

4 February 2010 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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