Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1290601 (hide)

Owner Innopharm Australia Pty Ltd ACN: 136563543

Service Innopharm Australia Pty Ltd ACN: 136563543


Class 3 Anti-sun preparations (cosmetics); sun barriers (cosmetics); sun blocking cream (cosmetics); sun blocking gel (cosmetics); sun blocking lipsticks (cosmetics); sun blocking lotions (cosmetics); sun blocking oils (cosmetics); sun blocking preparations (cosmetics); sun creams (cosmetics); sun gel (cosmetics); sun lotions (cosmetics); sun milk (cosmetics); sun protecting creams (cosmetics); sun protection oils (cosmetics); sun protection products (cosmetics); sun protectors for lips (cosmetics); sun screen preparations (cosmetics); sun screening preparations (cosmetics); sun skin care products (cosmetics); suntan lotion (cosmetics); suntan milk (cosmetics); suntan oils (cosmetics); suntan preparations (cosmetics); sun-tanning preparations (cosmetics); tanning compositions (cosmetics); tanning creams (cosmetics); tanning oils (cosmetics); tanning preparations (cosmetics)

Class 5 Sun barriers for medical use; sun block for medical use; sun blocking cream for medical use; sun blocking gel for medical use; sun blocking lipsticks for medical use; sun blocking lotions for medical use; sun blocking oils for medical use; sun blocking preparations for medical use; sun creams for medical use; sun gel for medical use; sun milk for medical purposes; sun protection creams for medical purposes; sun protection oils for medical purposes; sun protection products for medical purposes; sun protectors for lips for medical purposes; sun screen preparations for medical purposes; sun screening preparations for medical purposes; sun skin care products for medical purposes; suntan lotion for medical use; suntan milk for medical use; suntan oils for medical use; suntan preparations for medical use; suntanning preparations for medical use

Event Publications

23 April 2009 Application filed

18 June 2009 Subsequent Applications/Holder Recorded - Full Assignment

  Innopharm Australia Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 136 563 543 is the full asignee of Hamo, Bas.

30 September 2010 Application Lapsed


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