Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1181113 (hide)

Owner EnergyAustralia Pty Ltd

Service Mallesons

Various Advertisement of a series of trade marks.

Filing Date 7 June 2007


Class 9 Electric apparatus and instruments including control units and switches; measuring, signalling and checking apparatus including electricity meters, gas meters, smart meters and associated apparatus; excluding batteries, electrochemical cells and battery chargers

Class 35 Promotion and trade marketing of the supply of energy, gas and electricity services advertised by via various communication channels including mainstream media including but not limited to, TV, radio, print, magazines, newspapers and the Internet

Class 39 Provision, supply and distribution of energy, renewable energy including gas and electricity services; providing information in relation to the foregoing services

Class 41 Education relating to energy use, renewable energy and energy efficiency, handy hints, tips and advice on saving energy, saving money and reducing costs, safety

Event Publications

30 July 2009 Application Accepted

26 November 2009 Trade Mark Registered/Protected

12 May 2011 Subsequent Owners/Holder Registered - Full Assignment

  TRUenergy Pty Ltd is the full asignee of EnergyAustralia.

1 November 2012 Registrations/Protected IR Name Amendment and Changes

  The owner's/holder's name has been changed to EnergyAustralia Pty Ltd.


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