Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1168317 (hide)

Owner Innoxa Marks Pty Limited ACN/ARBN 103 420 042

Service Hodgkinson McInnes

Filing Date 3 April 2007


Class 1 Amino acids for industrial purposes; artificial aromatics for use in manufacture (chemical preparations); chemical additives for use in manufacture; chemical intermediates for use in manufacture; chemical products for use in manufacturing; chemical substances for use in manufacture; chemicals for use in manufacture; collagen based ingredients for cosmetic preparations; proteinaceous products for use in industry; proteins for use in industry; ultraviolet absorbing agents for use in cosmetic products; ultraviolet absorbing agents for use in dermatologic products; polymer based compounds for use in manufacture; polymer beads for use in manufacture; polymer compounds for use in manufacture; polymer materials for use in industry; polymeric chemicals for use in the cosmetic industry; polymeric materials; polymers for industrial use; chemical preparations for use in cosmetic products; chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of cosmetics; ingredients for skin care preparations

Event Publications

26 April 2007 Application filed

2 August 2007 Application Accepted

24 January 2008 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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