Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1146086 (hide)


Convention EM 29 May 2006 005138763

Service Callinan

Filing Date 9 November 2006


Class 38 Telecommunications, communications by fibreoptic networks, communications by computer terminals, providing access to a global computer network, connection by telecommunications to a global computer network, computer-aided transmission of messages, sounds and images, satellite transmission, all of the above services excluding services for the lighting sector

Class 41 Production of audio, video and educational programmes; production of programmes involving sound, visual and computer elements; recording studio services; services for recording of pictures, video, video games, computer games and music on all recording media, including on mobile phones

Class 42 Technical project studies and technical research, development of computer software, computer programming; conversion of data and computer programs; duplication of computer programs and computer media; personalisation of computer media; reconstruction of databases; technical project studies, all the above services excluding services for the lighting sector

Event Publications

30 November 2006 Application filed

9 April 2009 Application Accepted

6 August 2009 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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