Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1146065 (hide)


Service Joanne Karamesinis **** Drive EAST MALVERN VIC 3145

Filing Date 10 November 2006


Class 9 Calculating machines and equipment, data processing equipment using computer software programs for the maintenance, transmission and retrieval of taxi travel expenditure for the purpose of using credit, charge and debit cards as part of a taxi payment system; scanners and handheld devices for use in taxis or the taxi industry that allow the operator to retrieve transaction information from an electronic payment device

Class 16 Printed material for use in taxis or the taxi industry including manuals, statements, transaction summaries, receipts, coupons or vouchers

Class 36 Provision of services relating to financial and monetary affairs of taxi operators utilising an electronic payment system including the provision of banking services, provision of electronic funds transfer services and provision of account keeping and recording systems of financial transactions arising out of taxi services in particular those transactions utilising credit, charge or debit cards

Class 37 Services for the installation, maintenance and repair of electronic payments systems and devices

Class 39 Transport services that utilise an electronic payment system

Class 42 Technological services and the design and development of computer hardware and software necessary to maintain and update an electronic payment system and associated devices, all of the foregoing for use in taxis or the taxi industry

Event Publications

30 November 2006 Application filed

15 March 2007 Application Accepted

20 September 2007 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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