Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1144991 (hide)

Owner Brennan Ryan

Service Brennan Ryan PO Box 1841 GEELONG VIC 3220 AUSTRALIA

Various The applicant has advised that the Japanese word BU appearing in the trade mark may be translated into English as WAR, WARRIOR, FIGHT or FIGHTER and the Japanese word DO appearing in the trade mark may be translated into English as PATH or WAY.*


Class 35 Wholesale and retail sales including on-line sales of clothing, headgear, footwear, articles for leisure and sports including martial arts training equipment, sports carry bags, drinking vessels, articles of clothing for martial arts, gloves for use in sport including for use in martial arts, martial arts weapons, sparring gear, martial arts videos, periodicals, and other printed matter; online promotions, advertising, and marketing on a communications network (including the Internet); sports advertising and promotions; rental of advertising space; publicity services relating to the promotion of sport contests

Event Publications

23 November 2006 Application filed

19 June 2008 Application Lapsed


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