Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1117794 (hide)

Owner Dermithica Cosmeceuticals Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 117 173 065

Service Dermithica Cosmeceuticals Pty Ltd

Filing Date 8 June 2006


Class 3 Cosmetics, cosmeceuticals including anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, rejuvenating, beauty enhancing products for the body and face, perfumery, eau de toilette, perfumed soap, aftershave, aftershave balm, shaving gel, foam and cream, preparation for body and beauty care including milk, lotion, gel, cream and mousse, blemish cover stick, sun protection products, lip care products, non-streak bronzer, body deodorants, cleansing gel, scrubs and exfoliating cream/gel for face and body, facial cleanser, shower gel, hair care products, shampoo and conditioner, essential oils, bath oils, products for acne and general skin care, all-afore mentioned products for male and female

Event Publications

29 June 2006 Application filed

12 October 2006 Application Accepted

5 April 2007 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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