Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1117756 (hide)

Owner Australia TradeCoast Limited ACN/ARBN 102 471 278

Service McCullough Robertson Lawyers GPO Box 1855 BRISBANE QLD 4001

Filing Date 8 June 2006


Class 16 Stationery including pens and pencils; printed matter including books, magazines, posters, address books and diaries; coasters

Class 35 Promotion and advertising services; business information in this class relating to exporting, importing and marketing; organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; trade advisory services; business services for exporters and potential exporters to facilitate the Australian export trade; the provision of international trade and industry assistance to exporters, importers, manufacturers, suppliers, consultants and industry trade groups; advisory, consultancy and information services in relation to the aforementioned services

Class 36 Administration of land and property development; sale, leasing, management and administration of commercial, industrial and residential buildings and land; advisory, consultancy and information services in relation to the aforementioned services

Event Publications

22 June 2006 Application filed

12 October 2006 Application Accepted

8 February 2007 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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