Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1110027 (hide)

Owner Astonish Entertainment, LLC a Delaware limited liability company

Convention US 1 November 2005 78/744658

Service Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Filing Date 21 April 2006


Class 9 Prerecorded phonograph records, prerecorded audio cassette tapes, DVDs and compact discs, pre-recorded audio-visual records in analog disc and digital disc configurations, and analog magnetic tape and digital magnetic tape configurations, all containing music; DVDs featuring entertainment in the form of dramatic movies and documentaries, prerecorded video tapes and downloadable video recordings featuring entertainment in the form of dramatic movies and documentaries; motion picture films featuring entertainment in the form of dramatic movies and documentaries; and VHS videotapes featuring entertainment in the form of dramatic movies and documentaries

Class 35 Promoting musical performances, film performances and concert tours; management of musicians and actors

Class 38 Broadcast over the worldwide network, television and satellite of multimedia, audio and video

Class 41 Record recording label services, namely, audio recording and production services; entertainment services, namely, motion picture film production, television production, music production and home video production; motion picture, film, and television production; motion picture, television, music videos, animation, videotape and audio recording production and distribution services; organizing musical performances, film performances and concert tours

Event Publications

11 May 2006 Application filed

1 March 2007 Application Accepted

21 June 2007 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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