Supplement your life

Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1051865 (hide)

Owner Greg Young

Service Greg Young, Nathan Picklum, James Grasso c/o BSC Physical & Mental Performance PO Box 1545 BROADBEACH QLD 4218

Filing Date 22 April 2005


Class 5 Food and dietary supplements, including vitamin supplements, preparations and extracts, mineral supplements, preparations and extracts and herbal supplements, preparations and extracts, and goods in this class made or manufactured namely tablets, capsules and gel capsules, food and nutritional supplements being muscle-building food supplements; protein, vitamin and mineral supplements in powder or liquid form; dietetic preparations for muscle-building including special dietary foods and beverages

Event Publications

12 May 2005 Application filed

25 August 2005 Application Accepted

30 March 2006 Application Lapsed


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