
Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1051856 (hide)

Owner Smith, Nigel.

Service Nigel Smith

Filing Date 22 April 2005


Class 9 Computer programs, computer software; computer programs for managing communications and data exchange between handheld computers and desktop computers; computer programs for use in customer relationship management; computer programs for database management; computer programs for administration, business management, sales and makerting services; instruction manuals and operational manuals sold therewith

Class 42 Computer programming services; consulting and technical support services in the field of the design and use of computer programs, computers, computer hardware and computer system; licensing and leasing of computer software; maintenance and support services for computer software

Event Publications

12 May 2005 Application filed

25 August 2005 Application Accepted

30 March 2006 Application Lapsed

13 April 2006 Trade Mark Registered/Protected

13 April 2006 Notices

  Notification of lapsing/refusal advertised on 30 Mar 2006 has been cancelled and an extension of time for registration granted.


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