Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1051110 (hide)

Owner Andrew Perry

Service legal.consult pty ltd PO Box 7929 BC BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 AUSTRALIA


Class 42 Arbitration services; intellectual property consultancy; copyright management; industrial design; licencing of intellectual property; intellectual property watching services; legal research; litigation services; computer services; design, creation, hosting, maintenance, managing and promotion of web sites for others; computer software design, rental, installation, maintenance and updating; computer programming; research and development; consulting and technical assistance in the fields of designing, creating, hosting, maintaining, operating, managing of web sites; design and development of computer bulletin and message boards; design and development of online facilities for real time interaction with other computer users; packaging design; graphic arts designing; computer hardware rental; consultancy in the field of computer hardware; data conversion of computer programs and data; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; computer system design and analysis; recovery of computer data

Event Publications

5 May 2005 Application filed

9 November 2006 Application Lapsed


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