
Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1051083 (hide)

Owner Nien Made Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Service M A Martin & Associates PO Box 51 Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

Filing Date 18 April 2005


Class 6 Metal jalousies, metal window shutters, metal rolling window shutters, metal windows, metal doors, metal lattices, metal curtain rings, metal curtain walls, metal door frames, metal window frames, metal window casements, metal window sills, metal sash fasteners for windows

Class 19 Non metal and non textiles outdoor blinds, non metal jalousies, non-metal window shutters, nonmetal windows, non metal doors

Class 20 Window blinds, indoor window blinds, window shades, venetian blinds, curtain rods, curtain rails, non metal curtain rings, non textile material curtain holders, curtain hooks, curtain rollers

Class 24 Curtains, net curtains, window curtains, curtain fabrics, curtains made of textile or plastics, curtain for showers, curtain holders of textile materials, curtain loops made of textile materials, curtain tiebacks of textile

Event Publications

5 May 2005 Application filed

18 August 2005 Application Accepted

15 December 2005 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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