Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1051035 (hide)

Owner Kmart Australia Limited ACN: 004700485

Service Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick


Class 6 Locks, padlocks, combination locks, duo padlocks and lock boxes in this class

Class 9 Portable audio visual entertainment devices, electric plug adaptors, eyemasks, calculator alarm clocks

Class 16 Printed matter, stationery, identification tags, toilet seat covers

Class 18 Trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; luggage; bumbags, garment bags, packing bags and foldaway bags, shopping bags including on wheels, all in this class, luggage straps, luggage trolleys, neck safe pouches, passport holders, toiletry bags and wetpacks, travel wallets

Class 20 Clothesline, neck pillows

Class 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear including money belts, raincoats, ponchos, jackets, scarves, gloves

Event Publications

5 May 2005 Application filed

9 November 2006 Application Lapsed


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1051034-LOVE BLUSH