Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1049686 (hide)

Owner Dapier Holdings S.A.

Service Phillips Fox Level **** Street ADELAIDE SA 5000

Filing Date 7 April 2005


Class 36 Automated banking services; automated banking services relating to charge card transactions; automated banking services relating to credit card transactions; credit card payment processing; credit card services; financial services relating to credit cards; debit card services; financial services related to the issuance of bank cards and debit cards; processing debit card transactions; banking; home banking; banking services for deposit-taking; banking services in relation to the electronic transfer of funds; electronic money transfer services; money transfer services by electronic means; electronic banking; electronic fund-transfer services; electronic payment services; banking services proivded for paying bills by telephone; banking services relating to the transfer of funds from accounts; banking services relating to travellers' cheques; card accessed banking services; computerized banking services; international banking; Internet banking; personal banking services; personal financial banking services; private banking; arranging of finance; arranging the provision of finance; consultancy services relating to finance; provision of finance; raising of finance

Event Publications

28 April 2005 Application filed

4 August 2005 Application Accepted

1 December 2005 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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1049685-THE GROVE