Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1033925 (hide)

Owner Daniel Lawrence Carroll

Service James Murray Patent and Trade Marks Attorney **** Court RYE VIC 3941

Various Advertisement of a series of trade marks.

Filing Date 10 December 2004


Class 38 The use of a system for the directional digital transmission of messages which system comprises: a transmitter fitted to an emergency vehicle or stationary means which transmitter emits a digitally encoded radio frequency signal, which signal is directionally transmitted and has a variable range output for target vehicle selection; and a receiver which is fitted to a vehicle or stationary means and which has (a) multi-digitally stored message(s), which message(s) may be played back while muting the audio system in the existing vehicle or stationary means or which vehicle is immobilised

Event Publications

6 January 2005 Application filed

21 April 2005 Application Accepted

17 November 2005 Application Lapsed


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1033924-REVIEWS R.E.V.I.E.W.S.