Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1033901 (hide)

Owner Comvita New Zealand Limited

Service Baldwins

Various Advertisement of a series of trade marks. It is a condition of registration that, in use, the cross device contained within the trade mark will be rendered in colours other than red on a white or silver background, or white or silver on a red background.

Filing Date 13 December 2004


Class 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; vitamin and mineral supplements and preparations thereof; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, including royal jelly; mouthwashes, throat sprays and lozenges, preparations for relief of symptoms of common colds and influenza, cold and flu tablets; lip balms, tinctures and ointments; propolis omega C, goods in this class made from, or including honey and/or bee products

Event Publications

6 January 2005 Application filed

7 July 2005 Application Accepted

12 January 2006 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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