Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1032271 (hide)

Owner Wuxi Henrick Machinery Co., Ltd

Filing Date 23 August 2004


Class 7 Hoists, cranes (lifting and hoisting apparatus), winches, handling apparatus for loading and unloading, lifting apparatus, truck lifts, conveyors (machines), loading ramps, hydraulic hand held tools, hydraulic jacks, hydraulic lift tables, self adjusting load elevators, pallet loaders, tower cranes, pallet stackers

Class 12 Tailboard lifts (parts of land vehicles), fork lift trucks, accumulator driven carriers, safety belts for vehicle seats, goods handling carts, casters for trolleys (vehicles), hand carts, two-wheeled trolleys, lifting cars, vehicle seats, platform trucks, shopping carts, cargo trailers, luggage carriers, dump trucks

Event Publications

6 January 2005 Application Accepted

5 May 2005 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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