Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1032236 (hide)

Owner Avery Dennison Corporation

Service Refer to WIPO Address for Correspondence


Class 6 Flexible metal foils for use in the manufacture of packaging, labels, tags, laminates; adhesive backed metal foils for use in the manufacture of packaging, labels, tags, laminates; adhesive backed or adhesive coated sheets, tapes and webs comprised of metal for decoration, displays and label stock

Class 16 Paper for packaging, cardboard, paper labels and tags, laminated paper, and stickers supplied in sheet and roll form; release coated papers; pressure sensitive printing papers for labels and displays; paper stock

Class 17 Plastic films and laminates for commercial and industrial purposes supplied in sheet and roll form; laminate foil consisting primarily of plastic with or without a metal layer for application to a substrate; light reflective flexible or rigid sheeting for signs, displays, labels, decorations, safety, and information markings

Event Publications

21 April 2005 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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1032235-Illy, some things are just better