Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1032231 (hide)

Owner International Assistance Group S.A.S.

Various Trade Mark Description: Colour Claimed: ORANGE, GREEN, WHITE, BLACK.; Parts Colour Claimed: Font in BLACK for the terms "INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE GROUP"; terrestrial globe: ORANGE for the oceans and GREEN for the continents and WHITE for the meridians and

Filing Date 30 April 2004


Class 36 Insurance and reinsurance services, particularly for coverage of all help, assistance or advisory operations for incidents in France or abroad, for those travelling; insurance brokerage services; financial estimates services for insurance; financial consulting; consulting and assistance services in the field of insurance and compensation collection

Class 37 Vehicle diagnostic and repair services; installation, maintenance and testing services as well as alarm and remote surveillance systems for real estate (buildings and sites)

Class 39 Travel organisation services and booking of travel documents, for persons or their belongings, in connection with providing assistance to travellers; transport services for travellers in difficulty, the wounded or the sick; delivery services for spare parts for vehicles; vehicle towing services; taxi or ambulance and taxi or ambulance reservation services; delivery services for blood, plasma, organs for transplanting or medicines; collection (transport) services for stolen vehicles and goods; car rental services

Class 42 Legal assistance and advice services for those travelling; legal assistance and representation services in the field of civil and criminal liability, employment, intellectual property, social or tax law

Class 44 Medical services, including urgent treatment; nursing and specialist practice services; healthcare and medical care services for the elderly and children; medical supervision of repatriated travellers

Event Publications

6 January 2005 Application Accepted

5 May 2005 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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