Pump with a resilient seal

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2010240676 (hide)

Owner PDD Innnovations Limited

Inventors Hayes-Pankhurst, Richard Paul; Ross, Peter William

Agent Shelston IP

Pub. Number AU-A-2010240676

PCT Pub. Number WO2010/122299

Priority 0906768.7 21.04.09 GB

Filing date 21 April 2010

Wipo publication date 28 October 2010

International Classifications

F04C 5/00 (2006.01) Rotary-piston machines or pumps with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable

Event Publications

10 November 2011 PCT application entered the National Phase

  PCT publication WO2010/122299 Priority application(s): WO2010/122299

1 March 2012 Alteration of Name

  The name of the applicant has been altered to Quantex Patents Limited


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