Graphene compositons and drilling fluids derived therefrom

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2009204141 (hide)

Owner William Marsh Rice University

Inventors Tour, James M.; Lomeda, Jay R.; Schmidt, Howard K.; Kosynkin, Dmitry V.; Doyle, Condell D.

Agent Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Pub. Number AU-A-2009204141

PCT Pub. Number WO2009/089391

Priority 61/026,049 04.02.08 US; 61/026,377 05.02.08 US; 61/019,765 08.01.08 US

Filing date 8 January 2009

Wipo publication date 16 July 2009

International Classifications

C09K 8/03 (2006.01) Compositions for drilling of boreholes or wells

C01B 31/00 (2006.01) Carbon

C01B 31/04 (2006.01) Carbon

C09K 8/035 (2006.01) Compositions for drilling of boreholes or wells

C09K 8/62 (2006.01) Compositions for drilling of boreholes or wells

Event Publications

26 August 2010 PCT application entered the National Phase

  PCT publication WO2009/089391 Priority application(s): WO2009/089391

30 September 2010 Amendment Made

  The nature of the amendment is: Amend the invention title to read Graphene compositons and drilling fluids derived therefrom 2009207168 Daikin Industries, Ltd. The nature of the amendment is: Amend the invention title to read Air conditioner managing apparatus

14 October 2010 Corrigenda

  Amendments - Amendments Made Under the name William Marsh Rice University, Application No. 2009204141, under INID(54) correct the title to read: Graphene compositions and drilling fluids derived therefrom


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