Process for improving sucralose purity and yield

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2008249208 (hide)

Owner Tate & Lyle Technology Limited

Inventors Catani, Steven J.; Micinski, Edward; Wiley, James Edwin; Vernon, Nicholas M.; Merkel, Caroly M.

Agent Griffith Hack

Pub. Number AU-A-2008249208

Parent 2003216516

Filing date 25 November 2008

Wipo publication date 18 December 2008

International Classifications

A23L 2/60 (2006.01) Non-alcoholic beverages

A23L 1/22 (2006.01) Foods or foodstuffs - Spices

A23L 1/236 (2006.01) Foods or foodstuffs - Artificial sweetening agents

C07H 1/06 (2006.01) Processes for the preparation of sugar derivatives

C07H 5/02 (2006.01) Compounds containing saccharide radicals in which the hetero bonds to oxygen have been replaced by the same number of hetero bonds to halogen, nitrogen, sulfur, selenium, or tellurium

C07H 13/08 (2006.01) Compounds containing saccharide radicals esterified by carbonic acid or derivatives thereof, or by organic acids, e.g. phosphonic acids

Event Publications

11 December 2008 Complete Application Filed

18 December 2008 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-A-2008249208

2 July 2009 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This application lapsed under section 142(2)(a). A direction to request examination has been given for this application. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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