A walking aid

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2008101276 (hide)

Owner Haggie, C.

Inventors Haggie, Charles


Pub. Number AU-A-2008101276

Priority 562882 26.12.07 NZ

Filing date 24 December 2008

Opi date 24 February 2011

International Classifications

A61H 3/00 (2006.01) Appliances for aiding patients or disabled persons to walk about

A43B 7/14 (2006.01) Footwear with health or hygienic arrangements - Footwear with foot-supporting parts

A43B 11/00 (2006.01) Footwear with arrangements to facilitate putting-on or removing, e.g. with straps

A43B 13/28 (2006.01) Parts of footwear

A61F 5/01 (2006.01) Orthopaedic methods or devices for non-surgical treatment of bones or joints - Orthopaedic devices, e.g. long-term immobilising or pressure directing devices for treating broken or deformed bones such as splints, casts or braces

Event Publications

24 February 2011 Innovation Patent Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-A-2008101276

24 February 2011 Innovation Patent Sealed


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