Electrode connector

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2007237345 (hide)

Owner Tyco Healthcare Group LP

Inventors Coggins, Scott; Tauer, Mark; Burnes, Lee C.; Selvitelli, Dave

Agent Spruson & Ferguson

Pub. Number AU-A-2007237345

Priority 11/634,028 05.12.06 US

Filing date 4 December 2007

Wipo publication date 19 June 2008

International Classifications

A61B 5/0416 (2006.01) Measuring for diagnostic purposes

H01R 4/48 (2006.01) Electrically-conductive connections between two or more conductive members in direct contact, i.e. touching one another - using a spring, clip or other resilient member

H01R 11/11 (2006.01) Individual connecting elements providing two or more spaced connecting locations for conductive members which are, or may be, thereby interconnected, e.g. end pieces for wires or cables supported by the wire or cable and having means for facilitating electrical connection to some other wire, terminal, or conductive member, blocks of binding posts - End pieces or tapping pieces for wires or cables, supported by the wire or cable and having means for facilitating electrical connection to some other wire, terminal, or conductive member

Event Publications

20 December 2007 Complete Application Filed

  Priority application(s): 11/634,028 05.12.06 US

19 June 2008 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-A-2007237345


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