Induction-sealable closure for liquid container

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2007234616 (hide)

Owner Monsanto Europe N.V.

Inventors Van Hees, Steven; Sieverding, Werner; Gottke, Sabine


Pub. Number AU-B-2007234616

Priority 06124742.5 24.11.06 EP

Filing date 23 November 2007

Wipo publication date 12 June 2008

Acceptance publication date 30 August 2012

International Classifications

B65D 47/04 Closures with filling and discharging, or with discharging, devices - Closures with discharging devices other than pumps

B65D 41/34 Caps, e.g. crown caps, crown seals, i.e. members having parts arranged for engagement with the external periphery of a neck or wall defining a pouring opening or discharge aperture - Threaded or like caps or cap-like covers

B65D 47/26 Closures with filling and discharging, or with discharging, devices

B65D 47/32 Closures with filling and discharging, or with discharging, devices

B65D 50/04 Closures with means for discouraging unauthorised opening or removal thereof, with or without indicating means, e.g. child-proof closures

B65D 55/02 Accessories for container closures not otherwise provided for - Locking devices

B65D 83/14 Containers or packages with special means for dispensing contents - for delivery of liquid or semi-liquid contents by internal gaseous pressure, i.e. aerosol containers

B65D 83/44 Containers or packages with special means for dispensing contents - Valves specially adapted therefor

Event Publications

6 December 2007 Complete Application Filed

  Priority application(s): 06124742.5 24.11.06 EP

12 June 2008 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-B-2007234616

30 August 2012 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2007234616


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