Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale subunit vaccines

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2005212850 (hide)

Owner Intervet International B.V

Inventors Nuijten, Petrus Johannes Maria; Schuijffel, Danielle Francisca

Agent Spruson & Ferguson

Pub. Number AU-B-2005212850

PCT Pub. Number WO2005/077972

Priority 04075427.7 11.02.04 EP

Filing date 9 February 2005

Wipo publication date 25 August 2005

Acceptance publication date 26 November 2009

International Classifications

A61K 39/00 (2006.01) Medicinal preparations containing antigens or antibodies

C07K 14/195 (2006.01) Peptides having more than 20 amino acids - from bacteria

Event Publications

3 August 2006 PCT application entered the National Phase

  PCT publication WO2005/077972 Priority application(s): WO2005/077972

26 November 2009 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2005212850

25 March 2010 Standard Patent Sealed

1 September 2011 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This patent ceased under section 143(a), or Expired. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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