Use of sulphonamide derivatives for the manufacture of a medicament for the prophylaxis and/or treatment of disorders of food ingestion

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2004237420 (hide)

Owner Laboratorios Del Dr. Esteve S.A.

Inventors Frigola, Constansa Jordi; Merce, Vidal Ramon; Andaluz, Mataro Blas

Agent Collison & Co

Pub. Number AU-B-2004237420

PCT Pub. Number WO2004/098588

Priority P 2003 01782 28.07.03 ES; P 2003 01077 09.05.03 ES

Filing date 7 May 2004

Wipo publication date 18 November 2004

Acceptance publication date 9 April 2009

International Classifications

A61K 31/404 (2006.01)

A61K 31/4045 (2006.01)

A61K 31/4535 (2006.01)

A61K 31/454 (2006.01)

A61K 31/496 (2006.01) - Non-condensed piperazines containing further heterocyclic rings, e.g. rifampin, thiothixene

A61K 31/5377 (2006.01)

A61P 3/04 (2006.01) Drugs for disorders of the metabolism

A61P 3/10 (2006.01) Drugs for disorders of the metabolism

Event Publications

24 November 2005 PCT application entered the National Phase

  PCT publication WO2004/098588 Priority application(s): WO2004/098588

9 April 2009 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2004237420

13 August 2009 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This application lapsed under reg. 22.2I(2). This application has been accepted or advertised accepted. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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