Closures and containers in combination therewith

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2004200440 (hide)

Owner Portola Packaging Limited

Inventors Stephenson, Timothy; Mavin, Gerry

Agent Davies Collison Cave

Pub. Number AU-A-2004200440

Priority 0306972.1 26.03.03 GB

Filing date 6 February 2004

Wipo publication date 14 October 2004

International Classifications

B65D 051/18 Closures not otherwise provided for - Arrangements of closures with protective outer cap-like covers or of two or more co-operating closures

B65D 085/80 Containers, packaging elements or packages, specially adapted for particular articles or materials

B65D 085/72 Containers, packaging elements or packages, specially adapted for particular articles or materials - for edible or potable liquids, semiliquids, or plastic or pasty materials

B65D 017/34 Rigid or semi-rigid containers specially constructed to be opened by cutting or piercing, or by tearing of frangible member or portion

B65D 041/04 Caps, e.g. crown caps, crown seals, i.e. members having parts arranged for engagement with the external periphery of a neck or wall defining a pouring opening or discharge aperture - Threaded or like caps or cap-like covers secured by rotation

Event Publications

19 February 2004 Complete Application Filed

  Priority application(s): 0306972.1 26.03.03 GB

14 October 2004 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-A-2004200440

3 September 2009 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This application lapsed under section 142(2)(d). Examination has been requested or an examination report has issued for this application. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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