High capacity solid filtration media

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2003293118 (hide)

Owner Purafil, Inc.

Inventors England, William G.

Agent FB Rice

Pub. Number AU-B-2003293118

PCT Number PCT/US2003/0378

PCT Pub. Number WO2004/047950

Priority 65/512,841 20.10.03 US; 60/428,958 25.11.02 US

Filing date 25 November 2003

Wipo publication date 18 June 2004

Acceptance publication date 24 December 2009

International Classifications

B01D 53/04 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours - with stationary adsorbents

B01D 39/20 (2006.01) Filtering material for liquid or gaseous fluids - of inorganic material, e.g. asbestos paper or metallic filtering material of non-woven wires

B01D 53/44 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours - Organic components

B01D 53/48 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours - Sulfur compounds

B01D 53/52 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours

B01D 53/54 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours - Nitrogen compounds

B01D 53/56 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours - Nitrogen oxides

B01D 53/58 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours

B01D 53/62 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours - Carbon oxides

B01D 53/64 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours

B01D 53/68 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours - Halogens or halogen compounds

B01D 53/72 (2006.01) Separation of gases or vapours

Event Publications

22 April 2004 Complete Application Filed

  Priority application(s): 65/512,841 20.10.03 US; 60/428,958 25.11.02 US

22 July 2004 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-B-2003293118

24 December 2009 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2003293118

22 April 2010 Standard Patent Sealed


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