Coated articles having a protective coating and cathode targets for making the coated articles

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2003239167 (hide)

Owner PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

Inventors Thiel, James J; Lehan, John P; Buhay, Harry; Finley, James J

Agent Collison & Co

Pub. Number AU-B-2003239167

PCT Number PCT/US03/12671

PCT Pub. Number WO2003/091471

Priority 10/397,001 25.03.03 US; 10/133,805 25.04.02 US; 60/379,093 09.05.02 US; 10/422,094 24.04.03 US

Filing date 24 April 2003

Wipo publication date 10 November 2003

Acceptance publication date 18 January 2007

International Classifications

B05D 7/24 (2006.01) Processes, other than flocking, specially adapted for applying liquids or other fluent materials to particular surfaces or for applying particular liquids or other fluent materials - for applying particular liquids or other fluent materials

B32B 9/00 (2006.01) Layered products characterised by particular substances used

B32B 17/00 (2006.01) Layered products essentially comprising sheet glass, or fibres of glass, slag or the like

C03C 17/34 (2006.01) Surface treatment of glass, e.g. of devitrified glass, not in the form of fibres or filaments, by coating - with at least two coatings having different compositions

C03C 17/36 (2006.01) Surface treatment of glass, e.g. of devitrified glass, not in the form of fibres or filaments, by coating - at least one coating being a metal

C03C 17/38 (2006.01) Surface treatment of glass, e.g. of devitrified glass, not in the form of fibres or filaments, by coating

C03C 17/42 (2006.01) Surface treatment of glass, e.g. of devitrified glass, not in the form of fibres or filaments, by coating - at least one coating of an organic material and at least one non-metal coating

C23C 14/08 (2006.01) Coating by vacuum evaporation, by sputtering or by ion implantation - Oxides

C23C 14/34 (2006.01) Coating by vacuum evaporation, by sputtering or by ion implantation - Sputtering

G02B 1/10 (2006.01) Optical elements characterised by the material of which they are made - Optical coatings produced by application to, or surface treatment of, optical elements

C23C 14/58 (2006.01) Coating by vacuum evaporation, by sputtering or by ion implantation - After-treatment

Event Publications

11 September 2003 Complete Application Filed

  Priority application(s): 10/397,001 25.03.03 US; 10/133,805 25.04.02 US; 60/379,093 09.05.02 US; 10/422,094 24.04.03 US

18 December 2003 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-B-2003239167

18 January 2007 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2003239167

17 May 2007 Standard Patent Sealed

19 November 2009 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This patent ceased under section 143(a), or Expired. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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