Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2002360965 (hide)

Owner MELTSER, Valentin

Inventors MELTSER, Valentin

Pub. Number AU-A-2002360965

PCT Number PCT/EP02/13795

PCT Pub. Number WO2004/049825

Filing date 5 December 2002

Wipo publication date 23 June 2004

International Classifications

A23L 001/211 Foods or foodstuffs - Removing bitter or other undesirable substances

A23L 003/50 Preservation of foods or foodstuffs, in general, e.g. pasteurising, sterilising, specially adapted for foods or foodstuffs

F26B 017/10 Machines or apparatus for drying materials in loose, plastic, or fluidised form, e.g. granules, staple fibres, with progressive movement

F26B 017/24 Machines or apparatus for drying materials in loose, plastic, or fluidised form, e.g. granules, staple fibres, with progressive movement

A23L 001/18 Foods or foodstuffs - Puffed cereals, e.g. popcorn, puffed rice

A23P 001/14 Shaping or working of foodstuffs - Puffing or expanding

A23L 001/00 Foods or foodstuffs

A23B 007/005 Preservation or chemical ripening of fruit or vegetables - Preserving by heating

A23B 009/02 Preservation of edible seeds, e.g. cereals

A23L 003/22 Preservation of foods or foodstuffs, in general, e.g. pasteurising, sterilising, specially adapted for foods or foodstuffs

A23K 001/14 Animal feeding-stuffs - from vegetable materials, e.g. potatoes or roots without ensilaging

A23L 001/10 Foods or foodstuffs - containing cereal-derived products

B02B 001/08 Preparing grain for milling or like processes

B02B 005/02 Grain treatment not otherwise provided for

B02B 003/00 Hulling

Event Publications

3 April 2003 Complete Application Filed

29 July 2004 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-A-2002360965

25 August 2005 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This application lapsed under section 142(2)(f)/See Reg. 8.3(3). Examination has not yet been requested or directed for this application. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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