Data replication protocol
Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2002355086 (hide)
International Classifications
Event Publications
20 March 2003 Complete Application Filed
Priority application(s): 60/305,978 16.07.01 US; 09/975,587 11.10.01 US; 60/305,986 16.07.01 US; 09/975,590 11.10.01 US
22 May 2003 Application Open to Public Inspection
Published as AU-B-2002355086
6 May 2004 Amendment Made
The nature of the amendment is as shown in the statement(s) filed 02 Apr 2004
2 September 2004 Amendment Made
The nature of the amendment is: Amend the priority document from 607305978 16 Jul 2001 US to 60/305,978 16 Jul 2001 US 2002357325 JohnsonDiversey, Inc. The nature of the amendment is: Delete the inventors Kwasniewski, Thomas and Rhein, Ralph
16 October 2008 Application Accepted
Published as AU-B-2002355086
12 February 2009 Standard Patent Sealed
14 April 2011 Assignment Registered
Bea Systems, Inc. The patent has been assigned to Oracle International Corporation
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