Heat pack with expansion capability

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2002332750 (hide)

Owner Tempra Technology, Inc.

Inventors Pitz, Kevin J; Xiong, Yan; Sabin, Martin Willard; Sabin, Cullen M

Agent FB Rice

Pub. Number AU-B-2002332750

PCT Number PCT/US02/27685

PCT Pub. Number WO2003/021158

Priority 09/942,851 29.08.01 US

Filing date 29 August 2002

Wipo publication date 18 March 2003

Acceptance publication date 15 May 2008

International Classifications

B65D 81/32 (2006.01) Containers, packaging elements, or packages, of special types or forms or specially adapted for organisms, articles, or materials presenting particular transport, storage, or dispensing problems - for packaging two or more different materials which must be maintained separate prior to use in admixture

A47J 36/30 (2006.01) Parts, details or accessories of cooking-vessels

A61F 7/03 (2006.01) Heating or cooling appliances for medical or therapeutic treatment of the human body

A61F 7/08 (2006.01) Heating or cooling appliances for medical or therapeutic treatment of the human body - Warming pads, pans or mats

B65D 81/34 (2006.01) Containers, packaging elements, or packages, of special types or forms or specially adapted for organisms, articles, or materials presenting particular transport, storage, or dispensing problems - for packaging foodstuffs intended to be cooked or heated within the package

F24J 1/00 (2006.01) Apparatus or devices using heat produced by exothermal chemical reactions other than by combustion

A61F 7/02 (2006.01) Heating or cooling appliances for medical or therapeutic treatment of the human body - Compresses or poultices for effecting heating or cooling

Event Publications

13 February 2003 Complete Application Filed

  Priority application(s): 09/942,851 29.08.01 US

5 June 2003 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-B-2002332750

15 May 2008 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2002332750

11 September 2008 Standard Patent Sealed

24 March 2011 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This patent ceased under section 143(a), or Expired. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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