Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2002229423 (hide)


Inventors MARIC, Rafael

Pub. Number AU-A-2002229423

PCT Pub. Number WO2003/011036

Priority PR 9554 17.12.01 AU; PR 6673 27.07.01 AU

Filing date 13 February 2002

Wipo publication date 17 February 2003

International Classifications

A21D 013/00 Finished or partly finished bakery products

A23L 001/164 Foods or foodstuffs - Flakes or other shapes of the ready-to-eat type

A23L 001/48 Foods or foodstuffs - Food compositions or treatment thereof not covered by the preceding subgroups

A45F 005/00 Holders or carriers for hand articles

A23G 003/00 Sweetmeats

B65D 085/60 Containers, packaging elements or packages, specially adapted for particular articles or materials - for sweets or like confectionery products

B65D 025/20 Details of other kinds or types of rigid or semi-rigid containers - External fittings

B65D 006/02 Containers having bodies formed by interconnecting or uniting two or more rigid, or substantially rigid, components made wholly or mainly of metal, plastics, wood or substitutes therefor

A47G 029/08 Supports, holders, or containers for household use, not provided for in groups or

A47G 023/00 Other table equipment

A47G 021/14 Table-ware

A47G 021/04 Table-ware

A47F 007/00 Show stands, hangers, or shelves, adapted for particular articles or materials

A45F 003/46 Travelling or camp articles

A23L 001/317 Foods or foodstuffs - Comminuted or emulsified meat products, including sausages

A23L 001/00 Foods or foodstuffs

Event Publications

29 May 2003 Application Open to Public Inspection

  Published as AU-A-2002229423

29 April 2004 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  Application withdrawn under section 141(3)/See Reg. 8.3(2). Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.

3 August 2006 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This application lapsed under section 142(2)(a). A direction to request examination has been given for this application. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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