Valuation exchange

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2002100432 (hide)

Inventors Edwards, John Edgar; Liebke, Daniel Lee

Agent FB Rice

Event Publications

17 June 2010 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This patent ceased under section 143A(d), or Expired. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.

1 July 2010 Offer to Surrender

  Residex Pty Limited 6/121 Walker Street , North Sydney NSW 2060, the Patentee of Letters Patent 2002100432 dated 12.06.2002 for an invention titled ' Valuation exchange' offers to surrender the said Letters Patent. Any person desiring to be heard before the said offer to surrender is accepted must lodge a request to be heard within one month from the date of this journal.

26 August 2010 Offer to Surrender

  The offer by the Patentee Residex Pty Limited to surrender Letters Patent 2002100432 which was advertised in the Official Journal of 01.07.2010 has been accepted and the Letters Patent has been revoked in accordance with Section 137 of the Patents Act.


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2002100433-Customer retention program

2002100430-Heating cable