A plant for purifying water contaminated by droplets of hydrocarbonaceous liquid

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2001276599 (hide)

Owner Epcon Norge AS

Inventors Oserod, Stein Egil

Agent Griffith Hack

Pub. Number AU-B-2001276599

PCT Pub. Number WO02/12128

Priority 00610080.4 08.08.00 EP

Filing date 7 August 2001

Wipo publication date 18 February 2002

Acceptance publication date 7 October 2004

International Classifications

C02F 001/40 Treatment of water, waste water, or sewage - Devices for separating or removing fatty or oily substances or similar floating material

B01D 017/00 Separation of liquids, not provided for elsewhere, e.g. by thermal diffusion

C02F 001/28 Treatment of water, waste water, or sewage - by sorption

C02F 001/24 Treatment of water, waste water, or sewage - by flotation

Event Publications

7 October 2004 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2001276599

3 February 2005 Standard Patent Sealed

5 April 2007 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This patent ceased under section 143(a), or Expired. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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