Beta-glucans from filamentous fungi

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2001252219 (hide)

Owner Societe Des Produits Nestle S.A.

Inventors Van Den Broek, Peter; Petruccioli, Maurizio; Selbmann, Laura; Stingele, Francesca; Federici, Federico

Agent Shelston IP

Pub. Number AU-B-2001252219

PCT Pub. Number WO01/73104

Priority 00106406.2 24.03.00 EP

Filing date 20 March 2001

Wipo publication date 8 October 2001

Acceptance publication date 9 February 2006

International Classifications

C12P 19/04 (2006.01) Preparation of compounds containing saccharide radicals

A23L 1/29 (2006.01) Foods or foodstuffs - Modifying nutritive qualities of foods

A61K 31/716 (2006.01) - Glucans

C08B 37/00 (2006.01) Preparation of polysaccharides not provided for in

C12P 39/00 (2006.01) Processes involving micro-organisms of different genera in the same process, simultaneously

Event Publications

17 April 2003 Amendment Made

  The nature of the amendment is: Add the name of the co-inventor: Laura Selbmann

9 February 2006 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2001252219

8 June 2006 Standard Patent Sealed

16 October 2008 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This patent ceased under section 143(a), or Expired. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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