Thermokeratoplasty system with a power supply that can determine a wet or dry cornea

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2001251130 (hide)

Owner Refractec, Inc.

Inventors Hood, Larry L.

Agent Davies Collison Cave

Pub. Number AU-B-2001251130

PCT Pub. Number WO01/82796

Priority 09539270 30.03.00 US

Filing date 29 March 2001

Wipo publication date 12 November 2001

Acceptance publication date 22 December 2005

International Classifications

A61B 5/05 (2006.01) Measuring for diagnostic purposes - Measuring for diagnosis by means of electric currents or magnetic fields

A61B 18/18 (2006.01) Surgical instruments, devices or methods for transferring non-mechanical forms of energy to or from the body - by applying electromagnetic radiation, e.g. microwaves

Event Publications

22 December 2005 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2001251130

4 May 2006 Standard Patent Sealed

23 October 2008 Application Lapsed, Refused Or Withdrawn, Patent Ceased or Expired

  This patent ceased under section 143(a), or Expired. Note that applications or patents shown as lapsed or ceased may be restored at a later date.


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