Method and apparatus for preparing cytological specimens

Details for Australian Patent Application No. 2001243505 (hide)

Owner Cytyc Corporation

Inventors Levkoff, Bruce; Geiselman, Theodore S.; Ostgaard, Roy A.; Vartanian, Hugh; Jennings, Robert E; Capriccio, Lewis A.; Tenney, Douglas A.; O'Connell, Edward

Agent Davies Collison Cave

Pub. Number AU-B-2001243505

PCT Pub. Number WO01/67067

Priority 09520421 08.03.00 US; 09521531 08.03.00 US

Filing date 8 March 2001

Wipo publication date 17 September 2001

Acceptance publication date 12 January 2006

International Classifications

G01N 1/31 (2006.01) Sampling

C12M 3/08 (2006.01) Tissue, human, animal or plant cell, or virus culture apparatus - Apparatus for tissue disaggregation

G01N 1/28 (2006.01) Sampling - Preparing specimens for investigation

Event Publications

12 January 2006 Application Accepted

  Published as AU-B-2001243505

11 May 2006 Standard Patent Sealed

20 March 2008 Assignment Registered

  Cytyc Corporation ( Goldman Sachs Credit Partners LP )

23 December 2010 Assignment Registered

  Discharge of a Mortgage was made in the Register on 15.09.2010.


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